You had me on the edge of my seat with this chapter, Dr. Kory. And I see the book cover is following the same stark black-white-and-bold style of RFK Jr.‘s book, a clever approach that should prompt those readers to instantly gulp down yours, which belongs on the shelf beside it.

When you first started administering ivermectin, were you using it in combination with zinc, vitamin D, and/or other early treatment protocols, or just by itself?

On another note, I just published the culmination of two months’ work that has been described as “the best and most resource-full on the topic I’ve seen" by the cofounder of Real People’s Media, which documented the Canadian Freedom Convoy with a focus on the indigenous community:

“Profiles in Courage: The Canadian Truckers” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-the-canadian)

I am trying to figure out how to share this article with the truckers, physician leadership, protesters, and everyone who participated in this historic demonstration of peaceful noncompliance. I know you were involved in many of the convoy events. Can you please help me get this message to the truckers so they know how much they are loved and appreciated, and most importantly, how vital their courageous actions were and remain?

Thank you, Dr. Kory, for being a truth and freedom warrior!

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Dear Dr. Kory, I just want to say how much I like the way you write (and speak). Your 'dynamic expression', together with your expert knowledge, shows how deeply you care. Naturally I have pre-ordered your book. Many Thanks.

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Hello Dr Kory, I’m a nurse anesthetist who has been consulted to intubate struggling Covid patients. I struggle with my conscience since my hospital does not give ivermectin. A surgeon who works with me and I have decided we will try to move the needle on Covid care in our hospital. My first push was to suggest high dose vitamin D since it has no downside. When I suggested it to the intensivist, he agreed with me that it had no downside and said he would check the patients vitamin D levels. He admitted he was familiar with the FLCCC guidelines.

I do not want to step on my colleagues toes as I am far from an expert in the arena of ICU care; however, in my opinion once I have been consulted I am now a part of the patient’s care so if there is any way to be of service to the patient, that is the goal. Do you have any advice on moving the needle to help advance care for the patient without stepping on professional toes?

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I took IVM and it helped me! But my vaccinated family members are citing the WSJ article "Ivermectin Didn't Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial To-Date". What is your take on this study?

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Damn the Authoritarian torpedoes... Full Speed Ahead!

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Dr. Kory, thanks for your tireless work on Ivermectin and other therapies. I still cannot believe your (and others') work has been systematically suppressed. Where is the conscience of the medical profession?

A question: Around May of 2020, I recall seeing a video from some some Australian scientists (I assume from Monash) discussing Ivermectin. The presenter said he and his staff were all using it with confidence. Can anyone else recall or locate this video? I hope my memory is accurate.

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I have just gone back and reread the fix of Andrew Hill & Tess Lawrie's Zoom call with him. Thank you for your integrity!

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Dr Kory, you wonder about the comparison between treating people with Ivermectin and the experiences of the first doctors using Penicillin. While a medical student during the war, my father worked under Alexander Fleming researching it. He told me that the effects of it seemed almost magical. People who were really sick, and who prior to Penicillin would have a very good chance of dying would turn around literally within a few hours and be visibly on the mend. Nobody had seen anything like it. So, it sounds very similar indeed.

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thanks, I'll check that out. had not heard of Borody.

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