Congratulations on your book. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Finally, please don't speak of the next emergency. We have to continue the work on this one by prosecuting the offenders. I fear the reason your op-ed got published is that it is focused on the future to a degree that it will be interpreted as a shot in the arm for amnesty.

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Congratulations on getting that op-ed in!! I am cynical and can’t help but see this as a variation of “amnesty”: a controlled release of information & counter opinions…

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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Whatever their reasons, it is so refreshing to see that 'opposing' views are finally being shared. Congratulations!

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"Congress must fund..." is never the right answer. Centralized power is how we got here, is not fixable and will always be corrupted.

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Yes it appears to be sanitized to be almost milk toast. And to call for more government when government is the problem seems counter productive. Fauci had the funding for years to have done this very basic research if he wasn’t a lap dog for Big Pharma. I would have liked for him to have called out the attack on safe and effective drugs that were denied the people that caused hundreds of thousands unneeded deaths. But I assume that he would never had gotten it published then. So will take a small win.

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Landing this op-ed is yet more evidence that the COVID lies are disintegrating faster than they can fabricate replacement fictions out of whole cloth.

Regarding the politicization of the injections, it is telling to revisit mainstream articles published prior to November 2020 as they were frequently critical of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed and skeptical of the shoddy clinical trials, as this September 2020 Forbes article reveals when it states:

“[T]hese trials are intended to pass the lowest possible barrier of success,” “certainly do not give assurance that the vaccine will protect from the serious consequences of Covid-19,” and “do not emphasize the most important ramifications of Covid-19 that people are most interested in preventing: overall infection, hospitalization, and death. It boggles the mind and defies common sense that the National Institute of Health, the Center for Disease Control, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, and the rest would consider the approval of a vaccine that would be distributed to hundreds of millions on such slender threads of success.” (https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamhaseltine/2020/09/23/covid-19-vaccine-protocols-reveal-that-trials-are-designed-to-succeed/?sh=7fb47f035247)

Funny how all of those reasonable concerns completely vanished after November 3, 2020. Magical!

Pierre, I know I’ve thanked you multiple times for the role you played in helping to make “Mistakes Were NOT Made” a global phenomenon. I wanted to let you know I published a recap of how we (in great part thanks to you) shattered the Overton Window if you’d like to see what we achieved together:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: One Poem to Wake the World” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-one-poem-to)

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You've been awesome in truth telling through this whole fiasco Doctor Kory. But in this case, you lost me at "Congress can . . . ".

Government is never the answer. Corruption will always follow.

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The Democrat Party left "liberal" decades ago when "for the good of the Party", the circled the wagons around the Clintons. The Party sold its soul at that point, not even allowing Governor Casey to give a speech at the 1992 Democrat convention. Since then it has been about "triangulation" and "messaging". Old school Dems dont really exist in any power positions anymore, so when I see Freedom movement people hanging on to some nostalgia, it is sad. Now we will get the Kennedy diversion. On the funding, until the current crop of evil people is punished, not one more dime should be given to any government "health" institution. Money can be spent to dissuade people from the carb and sugar overloads they inflict upon themselves. That would be money better spent.

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Calling for more government funding likely did the trick.

As if the health care problem in the US is lack of funding for research and new drugs....

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Guess you still couldn't mention the word 'ivermectin' in the op-ed? We gotta pick our battles and make baby steps I suppose. Good job Dr Kory!

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Excellent! Yes, a beginning but the most important beginning. In reading your publication it is evident you took time in choosing your words, thoughts and preparing something that would be acceptable to any normal thinking person. Bravo for your work.....And never giving up. Thank you.

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The COVID crisis was caused by the response, not the "virus".

Mike Yeadon PhD hits it out of the park.


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Apr 13, 2023Liked by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

Excellent news resulting from your long standing dedication, persistence and courage! 💖 Just picturing some doctors with a patient in their office while the doctor tries to comply with the standard of care and get the visit in under the time limit. Where does the time and space for their medical creativity and passion to help others fit in? No wonder they do what they do and prescribe harmful substances and avoid the science of truly helpful medicine. To see one of many, many ways that "truly helpful medicine" works, search for this YouTube video: 7 Step Blueprint To Optimal Health. It is a doctor-mediated program but this is the "blueprint."

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Funding at the Federal level? It will just get hijacked by regulatory capture. A good example is how Dr Fauci is getting rich from patent royalties from research paid for by the taxpayer.

Until you can guarantee no more like Dr Fauci, Fed funding will be a failure.

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as a doc myself in private practice in NJ, I still have patients coming in wearing masks. I hear all kinds of stories. The most poignant are ones in which they relate that they had a friends family member or acquaintance who was supposedly healthy ( dont have the details) but got covid went to the hostpital and died. I sometimes bring up the idea that these people were denied effective early out patient treatments and subjected to hospital treatement protcols including remdesivir and too early and aggressive mechanical ventilation which may have worsened their condition and hastened their death. Many people will listen attentively and indicate they understand but some b/c angry and belligerant. the truth can hurt

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